A Christian Community Center in downtown Morris, Illinois.

Located at the corner of Liberty & North Street


The Wesley Center is an important part of the ministry of First United Methodist Church of Morris. It is a place for people to gather in the love and presence of God. We welcome you!


We are a part of the Morris community and seek to serve the community. Thus, we support and host a wide variety of community events and services at the Wesley Center.


When available, we open the Wesley Center for use by the public for a wide variety of events. You can request to schedule an event by clicking on the Space tab above.

Messy Church coming in August!

Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, celebration, and hospitality. It's primarily for people who are looking for a new experience of church. Messy Church meets monthly at the Wesley Center or some special location, and it always includes a community meal.

Sunday Brunch is held the first Sunday of the month at 11:00 am.

Sunday Brunch is a large community meal, once a month, at 11 am in the Wesley Center.

  1. We start with a community meal. The meal is free and open to everyone.

  2. Good conversation and fellowship around the table are also part of Sunday Brunch. We will take 8-10 minutes to share a thought or story, followed by a series of conversation questions.

  3. We will close our time with a prayer of blessing for our friends and neighbors with the hope we will meet again soon.

Our monthly community prayer breakfast is on the third Wednesday of every month at 8 am.